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Human Meets Nature: Key Concepts in Environmental Philosophy
Welcome (14:07)
Course Overview (7:19)
Get the Most from this Course (2:33)
Supplementary Resources (2:34)
John Muir's Philosophy of Nature
Introduction to John Muir's Philosophy of Nature (1:21)
Who was John Muir? (7:13)
John Muir's Key Ideas about Nature (8:32)
John Muir's Philosophy of Nature (5:15)
John Muir's Legacy (5:16)
Deep Ecology
Introduction to Deep Ecology (1:43)
The Shallow and the Deep (3:45)
Who was Arne Naess? (5:16)
The Deep Ecological Worldview (6:26)
Intrinsic Value (2:55)
The Ecological Self (4:25)
Thinking Like a Mountain (4:17)
Gaia: Thinking like a Planet (2:39)
The Land Ethic
Introduction to the Land Ethic (1:54)
The Land Ethic (1:54)
Who was Aldo Leopold? (3:57)
A Conservation Ethic (6:44)
The Biotic Community (4:35)
A Holistic Ethic (7:13)
Key Principle of the Land Ethic (4:07)
Introduction to Ecofeminism (1:32)
Ecofeminism (4:03)
Domination, Mastery & Control
The Subjugation of Nature (5:28)
The Theme of Inequality (6:45)
A Case Study: Geoengineering (10:42)
Social Benefits (3:37)
The Generalized Other (4:04)
Feminine Qualities of Nature: Mother Earth (6:25)
Silent Spring
Introduction to Silent Spring (1:37)
Silent Spring (3:38)
Who was Rachel Carson (5:14)
Toxifying Nature (4:46)
No Nature / Culture Divide (4:52)
Nature Fights Back (4:36)
Power Structures (5:43)
A Call to Arms (4:28)
The Legacy of Silent Spring (7:04)
Environmental Aesthetics
Introduction to Environmental Aesthetics (1:37)
Environmental Aesthetics (7:19)
Historical Background (4:36)
Fear and Pleasure (3:34)
Beauty and Sublimity (6:06)
The Picturesque and Scenic (4:45)
Beyond the Scenic (6:10)
Imagination and Emotion (5:59)
Scientific Knowledge (5:23)
Aesthetics and Ethics (4:33)
How Should We Value Nature? (6:45)
Introduction to Phenomenology (1:30)
Ecophenomenology (5:52)
Husserl's Life-World (4:24)
Merleau-Ponty's Flesh (7:46)
Experiencing the Biotic Community (8:05)
The World is Made of the Stuff of the Body (4:23)
Sense of Community (10:03)
Indigenous Cultures (14:19)
Beyond Philosophy
Wrap Up (5:54)
Course Reading List
Complete Reading List
The Deep Ecological Worldview
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